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  Soul Guidance
Medium Sittings


The Cosmic Heart Readings

Individual Readings

60 min $140      90 min $190


Couples Readings

60 min $180


Nourishing and Harmonising

Returning to you Harmonic State of Balance


Soul Guidance through a sitting with my Source team and your Guides or as a Medium sitting with loved ones across the veil can provide insight and higher perspective, aligning and opening you to potential, possibilities, healing and clarity.  


All questions you have are very welcome.  What is guided will be for your highest good for your Soul.   Insights arrive as guidance and healing for what the Soul needs which is not always what the personality wants.  Being open to the outcome without expectation is a beautiful intention you can set for yourself before we meet.  This allows the magic to unfold often long after we have sat together.


My intention is to create a sacred space, a chamber of healing and a moment for you to pause and embrace unconditional love for you to heal on all levels, allowing the power of love to enter and shift energy within your life if it is for your highest good. 


During a sitting I will tell you what I am hearing, seeing, feeling and knowing to the best of my ability.  I connect with unconditionally loving guidance from guides, angels and loved ones across the veil, sensing messages and energy as clairvoyance (seeing), clairsentience (feeling), claircognizance (knowing) and clairaudience (hearing) using oracle cards when guided giving a visually rich reading for you.  I am a messenger of Divine energy and a bridge of light for healing to manifest for those in the physical world and those that have passed in spirit who too wish to connect also. 


This is a truly divine led sitting to support all areas of your life for spiritual development and growth.  


All messages are passed on with respect for both sides of the veil, bringing through the highest unconditional love and assistance to empower you, harmonising you back to balance and wholeness.  As you have free will it is your choice to determine your own future so things can change after a sitting. 


If you wish to come as a couple this may bring guidance and understanding.  This is not relationship counselling or therapy but a way to provide valuable insight into the relationship of both parties and also individually when you are both open and willing to receive insight for what is revealed for eachother through the guidance of spirit.


A gift of mine is to reveal soul lessons and energetically receive insights to old patterns and blocks in energy which may be holding you back physically and emotionally from living your life in joy.  I may be guided to heal and work with past life energy, going into the seed cause of what may be holding you back in this lifetime. These blocks may result in the body holding onto past trauma in the form of injuries or illness.  Once the core issue is healed it is dissolved and replaced with new positive vibrations through energy healing, light language and Divine Ray Aura Sprays awakening you to deep spiritual transformation.




30 min $80 

60 min $140 


If you are unable to travel to my healing room and need direction and guidance I can connect with you remotely at a time suitable, providing spiritual support and guidance through a phone or Zoom sitting.  


It may be a quick question which you need direction and guidance with.  If this is the case then a 30 min session may be right for you. Payment must be made by internet before your appointment session. You will receive a confirmation booking email once you have booked an appointment. 


Please book online your 30 min phone, internet session



Please book online your 60 min phone,internet session




Pukerua Bay 


​Wellington, 5026







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