The Pink Ray embraces all parts of your Soul Self which may have fragmented off due to trauma, stress and accidents within your life. It comforts and reminds you that love of Self is the key, it is our most important and personal responsibility. A grief essence focusing on healing your inner core and the inner child opening a river of unconditional love to flow through your soul.
A warm embrace of Mother Mary and Kuan Yin radiate their love and compassion through you so you may forgive yourself and have the courage to forgive others too. Once we move and live in our own freedom so too can those around us. Stimulates the emotional body, making you conscious of the whole spectrum of your feelings so emotions may surface to be healed.
Crystal elixar of Rose Quartz (forgiveness, self love, healing, unconditional love, tenderness and nourishment) Rhodochrosite (deep emotional healing, tender, loving, heart soother, acknowledge and release pain) Aquamarine (calming, soothing, trust in self, letting go, clear channel for heart communication).
Infused with the loving energy and light of Goddess Brigid for inspiration, healing and unity and the compassion and heavenly love of Mother Mary and blessings of Kuan Yin to assist you in feeling the truth of your heart so you may become whole and love and embrace all parts of you. Light Language codes and crystalline light structure of self love infused to enable you to see your Self in the reflection of love.
The Pink Ray - The Ray of Unconditional Love
A high vibration Lightbody Tool to support the mental, emotional and physical body while raising your vibration to the level of light.
An auric spray holding the vibration of a powerful invocation layered with Light Energy placed within each word. These invocations are encoded phrases of Light, therefore it is advised not to change the words.
Each Lightbody spray is designed to to clear away stagnant energy held within the auric field and support you in building your Lightbody, embodying Spirit, healing and balancing your bodies and walking the path of Love and Joy back to your Divine birthright.
Infused with a Divine Ray, Light Language, Angels, Ascended Masters and Lightbeings, flower and gem elixars and essential oils, these Tools can be used for transformation, healing, opening to higher dimensions, accessing information and energies, releasing and protection.
Each Tool has been lovingly channeled through me and alchemised under the love of the Moon and the light of the Sun.
How to Use:
Tap the bottom of the bottle 3x to shake and activate. Say the invocation on the bottle and spray into your aura, around your head, around your abdomen, legs, arms, feet, hands wherever you feel guided - tune into your higher self and use your intuition, be guided as to when and where you need to use the spray.
Spray before having a bath or shower and surrender to the invocation, allowing cleansing and release through the energy of the spray and the water.
Spray in your car and in your house to cleanse and balance stale energy.
Please note: These tools are for spritual light integration. Using these vibrational tools does not replace medical treatment.
Sprays act quickly and are especially helpful when you may feel out of balance or off centre.